Ecotone magazine submissions
Ecotone magazine submissions

From expansive to minimalist, narrative to lyric, epiphanic to subtle - if it’s a moving work of art, we want it.” See reading periods. “Nashville Review seeks to publish the best work we can get our hands on, period. Payment: $50 per page to a maximum of $250.Īccepts fiction and poetry. Poems, sequences, or suites of poems up to a maximum of six pages or fiction or nonfiction of no more than 3,500 words.

ecotone magazine submissions

Payment: $10 per page ($30 minimum) for poetry and $200 for short stories and essays. No submission fee for mailed submissions. Colorado Review prefers short stories and essays that are somewhere between 15 and 25 manuscript pages. Submit no more than five poems with a maximum of 15 pages. Payment: $10 per printed (or printed-out) page for accepted prose, and $20 per page for accepted poetry, up to a maximum of $150.Īccepts poetry of any style, personal essays, and fiction. “We look for writing that catches experience before the crusts of habit form - poetry and prose that resist ideas about what a certain kind of writing “should do.” We seek out writers who tell their truths in their own words and convince us as we read that we’ve found something no one else could have written.” See submission periods. Payment: $50 per poem, 5 cents per word for prose with a maximum payment of $100.Īccepts poetry and prose. They publish personal essays, poetry and fiction. West Branch Magazine is a publication of Bucknell University. Simultaneous submissions are discouraged. We tend to favor personal writing, but we’re also looking for provocative pieces on political and cultural issues.” They rarely run anything longer than seven thousand words there’s no minimum length. “We publish essays, interviews, fiction, and poetry. Payment: $50 per published page to a maximum of $200. The Capilano Review is a Canadian journal that publishes art, poetry, fiction, essays and interviews commissioned by the editor, as well as a small selection of unsolicited poetry and prose. Payment: Prose minimum is $100, maximum is $300. If you have practiced your craft and your work is the best it can be, send it to Boulevard.” Submissions accepted between November 1 and May 1.

ecotone magazine submissions

While we frequently publish writers with previous credits, we are very interested in less experienced or unpublished writers with exceptional promise. “Boulevard strives to publish only the finest in fiction, poetry, and non-fiction.

Ecotone magazine submissions